Monday, August 10, 2009

DEO on STX #12
August 10, 2009

Loose $10; Find $100!
I purchased a sheet of stamps at postal sub-station; had my car tires rotated and balanced; got home and never again saw the $10 sheet of postage stamps! Either dropped them or was “lifted” from the seat by the workers at garage! Next day walking on the beach Babs finds a fresh $100 bill! Lose $10 gain $100! TBTG

We were given one ticket (won in a “Crab Race”) [more later!];
So purchased another ticket and off we went for a half day jeep tour of the Western part of Saint Croix; enjoying top of “Blue Mountain,” historic sugar mill ruins, Bilboa Tree (250 years old) and the ocean tidal pools. It was a serious but rough jeep ride over back woods-wilderness-trails; great views, historic lectures of flora and fauna. “Tan Tan” is a local tree. The “found money” paid for the trip!

The Church WALL/Fence is finished!
“Yellow or white?” We had one brief on site disagreement amongst the workers;
The first base/under-coating “white” paint was purchased; the under-coat ran out; someone went to the paint store and purchased another brand, returned with a “yellow” paint! A brief but disagreement insured; White or Yellow paint; It made no difference since the undercoat was to be covered; White won out! We escaped a minor crisis or wall fight! It’s white! But “WHO” will have keys? Emerging design…………

We now have three iron gates/openings entrance/exits for the wall/fence securing the property. The ECW allocated in their budget a number of years ago for the main gate ($3,000!); they have given the money with pride and foresight! Our next decision will be an allocation of “keys” when the Church property becomes locked. Who gets and wants keys to the gates? Who need and will be issues keys? There is already a scramble for the keys. It’s a power thing for control! I get it; have seen this chapter before in other books/churches! This is not rocket science, it’s another pure and predictable interim/transitional tasking/response. It’s a rich teaching/learning opportunity.

We are planning a celebration BBQ to honor the workers.
I have announced a BBQ celebration for Saturday, September 5 to honor the workers on the wall; we will BBQ a pig, goat, sheep, and a large piece of beef!
More later!

BAT flys into P/H as night falls
ST. Peter’s has natural air flowing; we open the doors wide; wooden slats above the doors allow constant air flow; there are no screens; each night when there is an after dark meeting a bat flies inside, circles the room and dips down upon the participants; some folks freak-our; some ignore the bat; most just put up with it knowing there will be no harm and the bird eats thousands of mosquitoes and insects daily!

Babs’ Quilts
I hauled down as “extra luggage” Babs’ sewing machine, paying the increased weight and baggage fees! She has spent hours sewing grand-child clothes and quilts; her current project is a local colored pattern with “Mocko Jumbie” dancers. When we leave the Islands we will have with us local colors and treasured sewing projects; most of which will be given away, her discipline of sharing time, efforts and neat stuff with friends and family.

Boots the Cat: “the meow moocher”
Our “wandering” neighborhood feral cat has become more friendly now allowing a morning pet on his head and scratch on the back near the tail;
”Boots” is rather independent; he is a spayed male; he snacks around; I feed him each morning he shows up; its something to share with and love as nature provides during my morning wake up rituals beginning near 5am before dawn.

Diocese of the Virgin Islands CYCLE of PRAYER for 30 days
From a distance it’s been easy to maintain the Diocese of Atlanta Cycle of Prayer.
Sharing the concept with Bishop Ambrose Gumbs; he like the idea; so I have written a Thirty Day Cycle of Prayer for the DOVI; it is now published on the web-site and used in various parishes on Sunday; especially St. Peter’s, Christiansted.

Parish web-site stalled for further study/evaluation
My idea and vision for a web-site for St. Peter’s has stalled for lack of understanding and risk of commitment; I think it’s the New Thing “never done before” syndrome. Maybe the Vestry will catch on to internet communications. Maybe it will happen before I leave? If not I have planted the seed and this emphasizes the need to teach further on the importance of internet connect ability/advertisement. Typical congregational leadership timid for/to change: Slow to act

Can This Marriage be Saved?

I have seen a number of couples whose marriages need interior “work” and better relationships building. They have fallen into years of poor communications and assumptions; I am not sure they want or will change their behaviors, nor do they want to separate! I am not sure these marriages can be saved! So sad.
This is normal congregational pastoral care; do these folks respond to affirmations and appreciative inquiry or is the pain so severe they just now realize the dysfunction? God be with them; God can heal anything!

Single Moms with Children
There is a social pattern of numerous single Moms; young women with children without husbands. When I inquire about a child’s father the response is something like: “He is dead, or “off Island.” Some will say, “I do not know where he is.” A very few exceptions are seen, some couple s attend church together. A few of our women have “boy friends” that are not the fathers of their children. Go figure. It’s a different social system.

Social disease: GAMBLING
Lottery tickets are sold everywhere by folks who wave the sheets at intersections, in mall parking lots, on sidewalks front of grocery stores and as one enters the hardware store. At The Divi Casino one can play electronic poker, roulette, Texas hold’em, Black Jack, etc….. Lots of folks spend their pay checks away gambling. Alcohol is related to the gambling. The Island has been designated or zoned by the legislature and assembly for Five plots – only ONE is up & running: These Zoned future Casino/Resorts are supposed to bring in tourists to boost the economy. Our difference compared to Utah, Nevada, New Jersey, Mississippi, Florida and Louisiana these are not ‘native lands.’ The aim is m ore like a mini-Los Vegas. That’s my impression. I may be wrong.

Not many CRUISE Ships come here
The cruise ship dock is at Frederiksted; only 2 to 3 ships arrive per month; when a ship is in, tourists trickle into Christiansted; Tour jitneys, open-air VANS-Taxi transport the folks who arrive shopping on their minds. One can spot the tourists by their attire.

Building Committee
A competent future thinking building committee has been established to exercise simple renovations and create Plans for expansion & site MASTER PLAN. All this energy has been created by the 2010 celebration of the Church’s 40th year anniversary. Good stuff is happening; long range planning occurring.

Sunday worship – summer slump- school is out
The Deanery summer YOUTH CAMP got off to a s-l-o-w start; St. Croix Deanery Summer Camp had Late start –up. I was skeptical IF it would fly, but after waiting a solid week children began to show up; or parents began to bring the children. We ended up with 31 kids on the last day. It was a good Church Bible School. Our Church summer attendance has slipped BUT our money and collections have continued to be strong. I can’t figure that. No financial summer slump! PTL!

Gov’t regulations
There are strict inspections all good regarding child safety, and food handlers certifications. The diocese offered the course: “Safe Guarding God’s Children.”
The Department of Child Series – Parks & Recreation literally controlled out facility. All the camp Food/snacks/lunches were brought in and delivered from Government grant money. I have mixed thinking and opinions of these “regs.”
I know it’s a control issue. It’s a new cultural awareness issue. The best thing was the outside inspectors got our interior signs of entrance/exits in place. Some of the mess and junk was thrown out; we are a neater and more orderly place of worship. Our parish hall now is a better functioning room. Safer.

“Oh, that I had wings like a dove!” (Psalm 55:7)
There have bee times I have gotten blue and sad. When I feel this way it is usually related to a disappointment or making little or no progress on a goal I may have set; I look at the morning dove and want to leave! There have been times I have wanted to escape the Island! Go, run, swim away, leave for a while. But, then I realize it’s Hot in Atlanta, too, and I would struggle with something else back home! Relax Man.

Birthday/anniversary special dinner
Our wedding anniversary is July 20th; Babs’ birthday is July 22nd; for forty plus years we have gone out to dinner on July 21st, celebrating both events usually at some nice restaurant. No different here on St. Croix. We did move our special celebration to Friday night, July 24th! We ate at The SAVANT Restaurant out on the outdoor patio/bar, dinning L’FRESCO; we enjoyed delicious dinners of Mahi & Steak; the evening reminded us of dinning outside in Greece and Turkey.

The current Senior Warden was appointed by my predecessor; her second year; I couldn’t ask for any better Senior Warden! She is a dedicated Christian lady, mature Mom, excellent business woman and gentle listener; she is wise and culturally attuned. She thinks ahead, but the main thing she supports me! As a professional Physical therapist her reputation on St. Croix is strong among the medical community. A Puerto Rican by origin, she is married to a long standing Cruzan formally the Commissioner of Agriculture under the previous gubernatorial political RĂ©gime. She holds the rank of Lt. Col. US VI National Guard. I am blessed by her attentive nature to the Church, congregation, Diocese and to me. She offers much wisdom and compassionate attention; especially to me! We seem to be a good team! I am unclear if she is willing to serve a third term. Senior Wardens tend to burn out with too much too long. She may very well need a break; we shall see in a few months.

Our Junior Warden is most efficient,
She is gentle and discerning; she is capable of delegation and empowering volunteer workers in the congregation; she has a keen sense of finances and flows thru when requested by me or the Vestry.

Secretary resigns – search for replacement
I have interviewed a number of young potential candidates for the secretary position; Fay Friday leaves at the end of August; moving to Tampa, Florida begin a new start and life away from the Island of St. Croix where she has grown up and lived all her life. I wish her the best and pray for her daily. I will miss her!
This is the pattern for young folks, they leave the Island to seek themselves; many return and discover this isn’t such a bad place after all; typical small town mentality/social patterns of exit and return by young people/young adults.

MORE Auto “names” or “windshield-signs” seen on auto and light trucks:
SO WHAT!, Scorpions Sting, Evil Runways, WB, Just Hitched!, C’sura Love,
The Silent Two, Rude Boy, Dusty-Trusty, Rule Boy, Preacher Man, Waves & curls,
Trusty-Dusty, Kind-a-like U, Hot Car, Cool ONE; Red MON, Cold ONE, Trunk Man.

La Paz y Buen Camino!

1 comment:

  1. Dwight,
    We really enjoy your updates, do us a favor, please add a title to your posts, as you did in the last one where you titled it #11 August 2, 2009. This way I know when you publish an update.

    Peace to you!
