Monday, October 12, 2009

Columbus Day

DEO on STX #15
12 October 2009
Saint Columbus Day!
(Federal Holiday )

It’s HOT, hot, HOT!
We have dodged (so far) the storms of destruction! There is still time for a serious storm, but so far the tropical depressions, weather waves, and hurricanes have missed us! The season is almost over…..but we still receiver in the Eastern winds the African dust from the Sahara dessert and ash from the Montserrat volcano. The haze is heavy restricting the horizon and noticeable; some folks feel the pollution in their eyes, nose and sinuses. Some days we see the northern Islands of St, Johns and Virgin Gorda, other days the haze is too thick for clear view. The last few days the sea has been very flat with few “white caps.”

More AUTO & Taxi windshield “names”Hot Item, Last trip, Forever, Scooze, Togetherness, Sook ie, LOX,
Sugar & Spices, Bread Winner, Deepest Memories, Look ‘n Wave,
Ultimate Pleasure, Simply Kool!, All Inspiration, How u like me now?
Be my Guest, Kleen Kity, Skoot It, IRITA, The Princess, & So Wa!
Small Shoes for Big Moves, C-3, Dodge Extreme, TATTOED, Still Shinning,
Forget Me Not, Virgo & Taurus, Near Angel, Sweet Deliverance,
The Juh Sunset, Praise Repent Ask Yield

Saint Coix Deanery
This is a small Diocese compared to the mainland US. Because of the small size in numbers, the church functions with strong partnership among local Churches, almost as ONE in program and ministry. Many events the five Churches of Saint Croix work together. The big deal is the local Patronal festival or name day at St. John’s, St. Peter’s, St. Paul’s, Holy Cross, and St. Francis. Our choirs come with special music and the ECW, ECM and ECY wear their respective colored shirts or
“Uniforms” matching sport coats, shirts, ties, skirts, dresses and hats. There are educational events shared and common teaching seminars. We share the resources, teachers and facilities. The Dean of Saint Croix is Deacon Delores Gumbs (no relation to the Bishop Gumbs!). For the five parishes, there are three active priests on St. Croix, and two retired clerics, in declining health. We stay busy and seem always on the go.

Saint Peter’s BBQ a great success
We began at 8am; started the charcoal fire at 8:30am on Saturday, October 4th; by the end of the day we had cooked a 50 pound pig, 24 whole chickens, a 35 pound lamb, and stewed a goat. We barrowed a trailer-cooker we used for the roasting of “the beasts.” The giant “roaster” had tin sides and top that functioned as a large oven, with an electric spit. We served 100 people near 6pm; folks brought “sides” of salad, stuffing, macaroni & cheese, salt-fish, sliced fruit and cookies. We also served “local” fruit juices. The Bishop came! +E. Ambrose Gumbs, The Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of the Virgin Islands attended our celebration BBQ when we honored our “Wall construction workers.” The Bishop enjoyed eating a sample of our roasted meat. We presented ‘Certificates of award and accomplishment” to those who labored and cooked during the building of the perimeter wall boarding the busy street, now defining the Church property. It was a grand event and fun day for all ages. The roast pork seemed to receive the highest accolades! Great Day! :)

Sunrise at Point Udal
Periodically I drive out to the Eastern most point in the United States territories and watch the early sunrise, the first to see the light of the rising Sun, before anyone else in the US Mainland! What a wonderful experience. Inspirational and spirit observed! There, at Point Udal, I usually “check-in” with my Ham Radio friends on the morning weather net (146.643) [2 meters] at 6:40am reporting the wind direction, sea conditions, clouds, rain or precipitation (if any) and hear of the ‘local conditions’ with the other Island Ham radio operators.

Columbus landed here on his Second Voyage
At the Salt River Bay, Columbus came ashore with a small exploration party;
the year 1493. There was a small skirmish with the local Arawak people. Some were killed, some “captured,” and from then on The Isle of Saint Croix was “discovered.” This morning I stood on the historic site on ‘Columbus Day’.
I prayed for those who first lived here and in memory of those who ventured across the unknown, uncharted seas.

Come see us Mon!La Paz y Buen Camino!


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