Tuesday, March 24, 2009

DEO+ on STX #2
St. Patrick’s Day – 17 March 2009
Today is Tuesday, March 17th; this is my second issue or journal record of a transitional ministry on St. Croix, US Virgin Islands; Episcopal Diocese of the Virgin Islands, as Priest-in-Charge of St. Peter’s, Christiansted.
Babs arrives safely!
On Wednesday the Delta flight is non-stop from Atlanta to St. Croix. We booked Babs for a 9:30am departure, arriving at 1:30pm. But, in the rush-tension she got mixed up and sat at the WRONG gate; missed her flight! Her luggage arrived as scheduled, on time. She rebooked on American Airlines thru Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico, then onto St. Croix, arriving at 10:40pm! She was one tired puppy! It took her a full day to recover/rest. It was for me two trips to the airport to collect luggage and special passenger. All worth it, of course!
Food and beverage
Rum is cheap; Cruzan Rum is locally distilled; light, dark or varied fruit flavors. Imported beer is cheaper than US Domestic brands! After Church service on 3rd Sunday the ECM (Men’s group) put on a modest spread of brunch snacks. Flippen pancakes and Ginger beer were the new local tastes for us. Flippen cakes are highly seasoned thin pancakes with cardamom and other spices. I found them delicious; Babs was not as impressed! B has been invited to learn some local recipes with the women of the Church; they have a major cook-day for a food sale the Monday after Easter. So B will join in the kitchen crew and get into the preparations. That’s Babs! Jumps right in!
Flip flops and tee shirts
It’s casual Mon! Think summer sea shore attire. I wear dress shoes ONLY on Sunday! I wear a clerical shirt and collar only for Sunday, official meetings and mid-week services. I usually wear a sport shirt to the office; my sandal Tevas do fine! We walk each morning along the beach near 7am.
Just wait and the weather changes
Generally, it’s mild and breezy. Easy cloud cover; Light rains; bright sun; temps in the mid-seventies; rarely above eighty degrees. Our windows are always open. In the car we may or may not close the windows! Sometimes, we use the A/C in the car while traveling around the Island. Afternoon naps are a joy!
Church attendance
This congregation needs leadership and lots of TLC. Attendance is UP; as I analyze the records, we are running 20% ahead of previous recordings. Last Wednesday there were 48 folks for Lenten Bible Study and 36 persons on Friday evening for Stations of the Cross. Sunday morning we are at about 160. I am humbled and pleased the Bishop is impressed!
Ham Radio friends
I brought my Ham Radios and soon will set up my “shack”. My 2 meter hand –held hits the St. Thomas repeater. I “check-in” the local “Islands weather net” daily at 6:40am. I have made lots of radio friends, meeting a few personally. KP2B took me to lunch at the St. Croix Yacht Club. I have joined the St. Croix Ham Radio Club; dues are $1 per year! I brought down a G5RV dipole which is 102 feet of wire with a center fed cable 30 feet long. No trees. I will probably use a stealth-hidden design antennae; think flag pole next to the patio?
Episcopal Liturgy with Island flavor
St. Peter’s is a strong Anglican-Episcopalian dedicated traditional worship, rather “high Church,” with incense, but lots of LEV hymns in addition to the 1982 Hymnal. Teenagers are practicing for Easter, offering the Steel Pan music!
Sermon on Diocesan website
Returning from the Diocesan convention on March 7th, I prepared a strong Sunday sermon for 2nd Lent and preached on stewardship. Sent a copy to the Bishop who liked it! He placed the sermon the Diocesan web-site! The Diocese of the Virgin Islands’ web-site is: episcopalvi.org
St. Peter’s Sunday service broadcast on radio
Each Sunday morning the Mass is recorded via telephone connection to local radios station; then at 6pm the radio station re-broadcast the service. I have had two appointments with folks who have heard the sermon and came into for counsel, conference. It’s simple evangelism. Folks buy the radio ministry as a dedication, donation/memorial.
Meditation for Deanery
Tonight, the St. Croix Deanery met under the direction of a newly appointed Dean, Deacon Delores Gumbs (no relation to Bishop Gumbs!). I was asked to offer a meditation; I focused on St. Patrick, since it’s his day. The meeting was at St. Paul’s, Frederiksted on the West end of St. Croix. A lovely historic old Anglican Church, founded in early 1800’s.
Lenten Bible Study and Stations of the Cross
This is new for St. Peter’s. On Wednesday I lead an African Bible study method, small group meditation/exercise. Friday evening is either Stations of the Cross or The Great litany. Attendance is surprisingly good! Both meet at 7:30pm.
Home Communions to Shut-ins
Twice I have taken the Sacrament of the Holy Communion out to shut-ins, accompanied by laity who guide me and show the way. Surprisingly, this Priestly visitation has never been done here. Some of these shut-in folk listen to the Sunday radio broadcast. A couple live in a one room house on a goat farm surrounded by 150 goat and sheep. Another is blind living high up with a great view but can’t see anything. Diabetes is wide spread because of high starch diet.
New car and Gas charges
Gas is $1.75 per gallon. The Church has an old fashioned charge system. I sign and get receipt from the filling station/convenience store next to the Church. St. Peter’s purchased a new Nissan, Rogue. I am the first cleric to drive the small SUV, with four wheel drive. Nice car!
The Reef
(our Condo neighborhood-community)
We live in a modest, one bed-room, Condo; about 900 square feet. There is a common kitchen-sitting room, with upper loft bedroom. One and half bath. Patio on ocean side, and wall enclosed rear entrance patio (with outdoor shower!) We are not golf or tennis people, but The Reef has facilities, with a very nice pool and club house. Across the road is the beach and Duggans restrurant, a fine but expensive place to dine; great Sunday brunch! The nine- hole course is challenging. We are behind gated security; typical golf pro shop; a deli of convenience store, open 7am to 7pm. Expensive but close. Good food!
Stiff wind and misty rain
Don’t wait too long and the weather changes. Now the breezes flow stiffly; late we are told it will become very still. Usually we see the rain coming in from the sea. Showers don’t last long. Following a rain the temps drop with a lovely cool breeze generated overcast comfort. Today it’s about 72 degrees.
Familiar pot holes
The roads are terrible. Narrow two lane paved rural road highly patched with black tar. One memorizes the familiar pot holes on regularly traveled routes. The trick is to remember where there are at night!
Faith and Values
My perception is the people are deeply religious with well established faith and values of Anglican teaching. They love to worship, especially sing! There are however, many young un-wed Mothers with tiny babies. The general perception is no one seems to know where or who the Fathers are? Some women will tell you the man is from another Island or has died!
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
On Saturday, March 14th there was a big parade and social event with bands and heavy party atmosphere in Christiansted. People whore green everything. Beer flowed, beads were tossed, crazy floats, wild customs. Think Savannah on a small scale. We stayed away this year. On Saturday morning, instead of the parade, I wrote my sermon for Sunday! Oh, poo party. ☹
You think your groceries are expensive?
Very little food, produce or meat is raised here. Everything is shipped in. Therefore, shopping at the grocery store we experience sticker shock. Milk, ice cream, local caught fish, lamb and goat are more reasonable. I am still searching for local honey.
Gifts from the Dendtler’s
Bob Dendtler, a retired cleric from the Diocese of Atlanta was my angel of introduction. Bob is a third generation Cruzan; his grandfather was born and raised on St. Croix. Bon has a Condo here and has been coming to St. Croix for ten years or more. Bob is a scratch golfer. He introduced me to the Bishop. It’s now all history! Bob and Charlotte live in The Reef community; through their influence we met our land lady, a beautiful Jewish woman from Brooklyn, NY. Our lease is thru December. She will return January-February, 2010. The Dendlters loaned us an umbrella for the patio and a Webber grill! They have introduced us to many neighbors, some “snow-birds,” and a few permanent residents. It’s great to have Atlanta Diocese contacts close by, just up the street.
The Dendlters have been craving clergy fellowship. What a gift of God they are to us. We feel their support and guidance. Bob is a Diocesan leader of respected wisdom. The Bishop leans on Bob mightly. He has the Bishop’s ear.
New Friends
We are slowly making acquaintances and establishing friends outside the Church. People come from all over; everybody seems to have a story. Most people think of St. Croix as “paradise.” A neighbor is the retired Battalion Fire Chief from Lexington, KY. We talk the same language! Our spouses try to keep us from telling “war stories.”
Welcoming Church family
St. Peter’s is a welcoming Church family. Babs has been included immediately. Trans-culture relationships though don’t come easy. We are the outsiders. The people are proud of their history and want to share their lives and faith.
Our tiny Quarters
We have all the space we need. It’s amazing how little one can live with and exist. Our land-lady decorated our apartment with local artist renditions of painting, sculpture, wood carvings and murals. We love where we live! What a gift from God. We are experiencing a lesson in stewardship and caretaking.
A Beautiful View
We look out on the Ocean. There is a tiny island about two miles off shore; between is a defined coral reef that causes the waves to break into white caps. The sea is azure turquoise/blue/green. We see white sand beaches. Within a few yards of our patio are Coconut Palm trees. On a clear day we see on the horizon the Island of Tortolla, BVI
Signing off for now!

With this we send our warm affections in the Love of the Lord Jesus.
La Paz y Buen Camino!
March 17, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Tough duty you've got there!
    Blessings to you from No. GA...
