Monday, April 13, 2009

DEO+ on STX #3
April Fool’s Day, 1 April 2009
It was an urban legend hoax concerning the internet-worm!
I am grateful we were not infected; college kids are drinking and laughing about the major scare created out of fear; what an attention getter, geeks and computer slammers alike! Maybe it was a terror tactic to distract business?
I recall, being on the receiving end of numerous “April Fool’s Day” pranks in previous places we lived. In Raleigh, NC the late Fr Larry Brown used to “pull one” on most of his staff every April 1st; he had me “meet him” at “the old Philips 66 Station” (which no longer existed!); he parked across the street at a Texaco and watched me drive up and back and forth; then telephoned me on the cell phone: “April Fool!” Great memories of Larry Brown, may he rest in Peace! He enjoyed sailing and would have loved being on St. Croix and working in the Virgin Islands. We sailed together around the Outer Banks of NC and on the Pamlico Sound. The Caribbean Sea is far deeper blue and much calmer; at least for now! NC coast and the Virgins share hurricane destruction.
A little History
Yesterday was “Transfer Day” on St. Croix; a local territorial holiday celebrating the US purchase of the Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917. Banks and schools were closed; Postal service continued since it was not a Federal holiday. About half the business owners closed up at noon. It was the 92nd anniversary, of the US paid $25 million. Denmark’s national anthem “Der Er Et Yndigt Land” was played, then “The Star Spangled Banner.”
Local fish
This week I purchased fresh fish from an Island fisherman; he set up a table along the road selling “blue fish” which were blue/green and red stripped. They came in a plastic bag gutted and scaled. We filed two whole but after frying there wasn’t a lot to eat. So the next night we grilled two whole (with heads off!) on the charcoal fire after marinating in local spices and olive oil. GREAT!
Organic veggies
Near where we live there is an organic vegetable farm; they sell produce on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. One need get there early for the “good stuff” sells out fast! We buy multi-grain bread and natural (unfiltered honey) with local pollen. The veggies are very expensive but just picked/fresh. Delicious salads.
Worship at St. Peter’s
These are well disciplined Anglicans; I am introducing a wide variety of Book of Common Prayer liturgies. We use Rite II Eucharis setting; a low percentage of attendees receive the Holy Communion. Here is a teaching opportunity. We like to sing, but often very loud and off key. There is a steel pot orchestra/band played by a group of teenagers, the leader is only with us once per month. When they play they are excellent! We expect the steel pan orchestra Easter Sunday! Incense is used at every Sunday Mass.
Sand and Sea
“The sea is his for he made it; for her hands formed the dry land.” (Psalm 95:5) I read this and weep with joy and amazement as I sit on our front Ocean view patio each morning reading the Daily Office. Babs and I walk down to the sea each morning after I “check-in” with the Island ham radio operators on the weather-net at 0640 on 146.630 (PL tone 100). Sometimes we pick up shells or brain coral stones. Our hiking Tevas are just the shoe for walking along the surf, in the water and on the sand.
Shells and dunnage
Last week we enjoyed some stiff winds and constant high waves, bringing in lots of washed up trash along the beaches. New shells were exposed, boat floats, fenders and bumpers, all sorts of “stuff” from the sea. I found a glass float from fishing net in Portugal. Crab pot bouys and yacht anchor bouys. Salvage rules apply anything washed ashore not tied down or anchored is free game!
Pastoral visits
With a pastoral visiting team of three and our Deacon, we take the Holy Communion out to our shut-ins and elderly. These visits have been well received and the folks are welcoming; most listen to the Sunday Mass on radio and have not met me before the visit; our Deacon knows most of these folks well; I would not be able to find most of these people without out laity showing me the way, since the addresses are difficult; rural back roads; some un-paved streets with physical numbers on houses that are non-existent. It reminds me of my early days in the fire service with radio dispatch descriptions: “Go to the purple house on the dirt street, and pass the big tree, then take the next drive way and then pass the fence with the goats; it’s the green house with the old Jeep in the back; come in the side door, but don’t let the dog out!” Some folks are blind or with amputations because of diabetes.
New Church Wall
The men of St. Peter’s have been working on a wall along the street. The project began when we arrived. This will define the property, establish some security and dress up the appearance from the busy street. It’s a major construction project; long talked about; finally begun. There is great pride being demonstrated by this project of physical labor of concrete block and mortar.
First Island Funeral
Two weeks ago there was a murder. A sngle 32 year old male of the neighborhood was shot in cold blood by a multi-gun (probably pistols) at 7am on Thursday morning. I think it was drug or gang related. Four arrests were made. The family is part of the parish. This was my first Island funeral and a new cultural experience for me. A fuller description follows in later issue. Stay tuned.
Baptism on Holy Saturday-Easter Vigil
We will Baptize six tiny babies of single Mothers. Who knows where the fathers are! It’s a typical social reality. St. Peter’s has never done an Easter Vigil. I have planned a short liturgy with Baptism at 6pm on Holy Saturday.
This will be a simple service at 6pm singing hymns without organ! The organist unable to be at Church as he works nights! We will do great singing out of ole familiar favorites like “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” and “Amazing Grace!”
LEV and 1982 Hymnal
We are a singing congregation. We move easily from one hymnal to the other. The folks sing with a high tone, mostly women lead, but a few dedicated male voices. It’s a different sound and beat. I remind myself the Caribbean Islands has its own sounds. It’s the beat Mon!
New Organ fund raiser
Our organ is about shot. We are under a major fund raiser for replacement of the electronic instrument which is probably over 30 years old. I don’t like “second collections” in the liturgy but we bring in a sizeable weekly extra collection for the organ fund while singing: “Count your Blessings.” Anybody want to memorialize or give a lasting gift that will change the life of a congregation? We are “selling” as memorials the keys, peddle and stops.
A NEED for experienced Interims
The Bishop of the Virgin Islands is seeking experienced Interim clergy;
Retirees preferred with a desire to lead and rebuild stagnant congregations. It’s hard work in a tropical environment. Call me, or Bob Dentdler, or Bishop Ambrose Gumbs. Come on down. Island life is tough!
Scuba or Snorkel
This is dive country! The National Seashore under water-park is right before us ready for our enjoyment; the waters are clear and lovely for snorkel; we are not scuba rated nor strive to be, but this is the place for serious under-water sports, looking or fishing. Buck Island is within an easy boat ride. We see the tiny Island out from our patio view. It’s a National Park and government protected. Look but don’t touch and don’t remove ANYTHING.
Our tiny Condo
We live in about 900 square foot of space; a loft bed-room; it’s a little like “camping in a large RV or living on a yacht.” When I get claustrophobic I look out to the fabulous view! No A/C; windows always open; screens keep out bugs.
We enjoy two half baths; one shower inside; another outside shower in the enclosed patio. LP Gas from a 20 pound tank; no oven; average refrig. Great coffee maker! Cable/TV and Broad band internet; we use our cell phones.
Joined the Ham Radio Club
The St. Croix Ham Radio Club has accepted me; my State-side call sign
says I am a newbie, probably short-stay resident. We meet for brunch at a sea-side bar/restaurant every first Saturday. More in next issue. New friends outside
St. Peter’s Church; community volunteerism
We walk on the Beach before reading the Daily Office
I usually arise near 5:45; sit on the porch and watch the sun-rise; then “check-in” with my Ham radio buddies from the neighboring Islands while drinking coffee. Then we walk on the beach near 7am for about 30 to 40 minutes; return for The Daily Office on patio with lovely ocean view. God is present in Her world.
Babs has become involved
“The Green Team” is a group of women who work in the potting shed and grow plants and flowers from seeds. They transplant tiny palm trees into pots for landscape planting and an annual sale for local scholarship funds for local students. Babs knows more of the local residents of our Condo complex than I.
She has “joined’ the ECW and cooks with the women for the Easter food sale.
Our social life beyond St. Peter’s
The Reef, where we reside has an active social life, but a majority of the snow-birds are now drifting home, back to the mainland; every Friday evening there is a bring our own Hors d’ oeuvres BYO reception following the golf “scramble.” We have met lots of friendly fellow retirees with second and third homes.
They “winter” on St. Croix. A hand full of full timers have reached out to us and included us in their social calendars. There is a sub-community where we live; with warm hospitality and open friendship. We are feeling included and have established some close friends. The Dendtlers are away for two months, returning to Georgia but will return in June. We miss them.
A Holy Lent
I am been amazed at the level of faithfulness and commitment during Lent.
St. Peter’s on Wednesday and Friday evening attendance has not declined. I have found in previous parishes the mid-week liturgies have been a struggle with attendance slipping each week; not so at St. Peter’s.
See you Mon!
Thanks for reading; we send our warm regards from St. Croix; a blessed Holy Week to all; Happy Easter! He Is Risen! More news after EASTER. 

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